Week in Reading (and heading up to #BEA15)

Book Expo is officially upon us (already?), and I'm about to shut down this computer and head to the train station. I've got The Star Side of Bird Hill with me to read on my way to New York, and if I finish that, I'm contemplating picking up The Shore (finally). I've got my headphones packed, and plan to squeeze in some listening to The Drums of Autumn (still) while traipsing around NYC.

In the interest of honoring my one little word this year ("light") and my recently declared intent to just whole-ass one thing at a time, I'm leaving my laptop behind for this trip. I'll be posting updates from the show floor (where possible) on Twitter and Instagram, but the blog will be quiet until next week, when I promise many book-related updates, reviews, etc.


If you'll be at BEA, here's where you can find me this week:


BEA Bloggers Conference
I'll be floating around in the morning, then at the networking lunch, then on a panel in the afternoon (Engaging Your Readers: Tips From Experienced Bloggers).


Audiobook Narrator Gathering, Show Floor
Stopping by a coffee gathering with audiobook narrators and reviewers in the morning, then wandering the show floor in the afternoon.


Show Floor, Speed Dating Event
Making sure I've visited all my must-see booths in the morning, then heading to the Speed Dating event in the afternoon.

If you see me, please say hi! I'd love to meet you. I look just like the picture in my left-hand sidebar, short hair and big glasses and all.


What's everybody else reading this week? And who else is going to BEA?


  1. Have a wonderful time! I've never been to BEA and would love to go next year. Stupid Europe got in the way this time around, haha. I can't wait to hear all about BEA, and hopefully we can meet up at it next year. :)

  2. Good for you for leaving the laptop behind! Excited to follow your tweets and 'grams ;)

  3. I look forward to living vicariously through you this week! Have a great time :)

  4. I promise many book lists to come!

  5. It quite literally makes my backpack lighter AND I won't feel like I have to be posting and checking email and whatnot while I'm away. But tweets and 'grams will be a-plenty!

  6. I'm hoping to make it to Chicago next year, and it would be great to finally meet you! AND given the choice between BEA and Europe, I'd choose Europe any day. I can't wait to see your pictures and hear about the trip!

  7. Can't wait to see what you think of The Shore! And looking forward to seeing you next week! Good call on leaving the laptop :)

  8. Looking forward to seeing you Thursday!

  9. The Shore looks good.


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