Week in Reading: May 18th

week in reading may 18, the winter people by jennifer mcmahon, a hobbit, a wardrobe and a great war by joseph loconte, catch-22 by joseph heller, cloud atlas by david mitchell

Last week was a bit of a slow reading week for me. I've got a bunch of stuff I'm working on for various deadlines and review commitments, but the lack of "for pleasure" reading has my brain shutting down and my yearning for television cranked into high gear. As such, I spent much of last week catching up on Orphan Black and reading graphic novels (Sex Criminals Vol. 2 and Lumberjanes Vol. 1, to be specific), while working through the last of Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County and starting A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War. I also finished Cuckoo's Calling on audio in the midst of much driving around and laundry folding--can't wait to get to the second book.

I expect this week will continue to be slow: I'll be at a conference today and tomorrow for work, and then our big quarterly board meeting is on Wednesday, so my brainspace will be entirely work-consumed until the end of the week. Luckily, I love my job (and the people I work with), so I don't mind so much.

In the interest of "clearing the decks" before Book Expo, as it were, I'll be finishing A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War this week, as well as attempting to make progress on Cloud Atlas and Catch-22. On audio, I'll be starting The Winter's People, which is due back to the library in 11 days: think I can get through all nine hours by then?


What are you reading (or watching!) this week?

1 comment

  1. I just finished Broken Harbor last night, and wow. I have the last book from the library already but I think I will wait another week before starting it.


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