Week in Reading: May 11th (and Book Expo Plans)

It's May! It's May! The lovely month of May...

And the books are rollin' on in. It's making it hard to decide what to read next, but that's a challenge I always love. I read the last few pages of Edan Lepucki's California this weekend (thoughts to come, though I will say I liked it overall), and am currently listening to Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith (aka JK Rowling). The audio of that one is excellent and I'm loving the story, though it's not quite filling the Tana French-shaped void in my reading life.

On the galley front, I'm picking up The Star Side of Bird Hill this week, and likely The Shore as well. I'm also planning to start Catch-22 (a first read for me) for my book club's May selection, which I was excited to find in my Oyster subscription.

And I need to get back to Cloud Atlas before I forget where I am and need to start over.


Book Expo / BEA15

In other bookish news: I'm setting up my schedule for Book Expo at the end of this month. If you'll be there, I'd love to see you! I'll be in town Wednesday through Friday (not staying for BookCon for a whole variety of reasons).


  1. So going to miss seeing you at BEA this time, but I can't wait to hear how everything goes (and hear about all the great books I have to look forward to!)

  2. So excited for BEA! We'll have to meet up :) (I'm also skipping BookCon. It just seems like the sanest decision.)

  3. Loved Catch-22--hope you enjoy it! Cloud Atlas was a real struggle for me--not sure if it was just timing or not. And you've just given me the idea to listen to Tana French on audio! I've been meaning to read her books for a while and this may be the perfect way to bump them up on my list.

    Have a great week!

  4. I hate those months, but unfortunately they do seem to happen to all of us, don't they? I actually don't think I've read Winnie the Pooh since I was really little--I would be interested to see how it holds up as an adult.

  5. It is slaying, is it not? Looking forward to your thoughts when you finish!

  6. SO. GOOD. There's a chapter in Yes Please where she talks about how P&R is filmed and cast and the characters developed, and it just makes the show even MORE perfect.

  7. Oh, the Tana French books on audio are really, really well done (in my opinion). Well cast, well narrated, and the pacing works perfectly on audio for me. I only read one in print and definitely preferred listening to these. I hope you like them!

  8. Yes, definitely! Do you know what your schedule looks like for the week?

  9. I have also put a pin in Cloud Atlas, but really need to get back to it as well. Read-a-long host failure, right here :/

  10. Will be interested to hear your thoughts on The Shore! I think it'll be a much discussed book. I really liked it after some initial frustration...but you can avoid that by knowing what you're getting into and taking notes!
    I will be at BEA (just on Friday). It's my first time and would love to see you if you have time! I'm going to the speed dating thing in the afternoon and will spend the morning at the floor show. I haven't started my schedule yet, but let me know if you have any tips!

  11. We've all been there! Plus, as much as I like it, it is dense and has required longer blocks of time than I've had lately.

  12. Duly noted on the note-taking for The Shore!

    And so fun that you'll be at BEA, and I'd love to meet up! I'll be at the speed-dating thing as well but since I think that's assigned seating (not sure, I've never been to that before), maybe we can find each other before or after? I'll shoot you an email (assuming your email's on your blog somewhere... oh look, it is, there we go).

  13. Oh man I really need to get to The Shore already. SO MUCH TO READ. I don't know what The Star Side of Bird Hill is, but I love the cover AND the title. Have fun at BEA!! so jealous

  14. Yay! I"ll be at BEA, too, but I'll be mostly tied up in appointments with publishers to talk with them about my store. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for you, though! I'll be there Wed-Friday.

  15. I'll be at BEA and have been added to the panel you're also participating in on Wednesday at Blogger Con! Looking forward to meeting you in person!

  16. I loved Cloud Atlas!

  17. I definitely want to read the Obioma book, and I have Our Endless Numbered Days on my shelf to read.

  18. I'm liking it! A little stalled in the middle, but only due to lack of time on my part. Can't wait to get back to it.

  19. YES! Amanda mentioned that and I was so excited--can't wait to meet you!

  20. Excellent! If you do see me, please say hello (note that I did cut off all my hair, so I'll be the one who looks like me in a pixie cut). Would love to meet you!

  21. Isn't the cover great? AND YES SO MUCH TO READ. BEA is only going to make that problem worse, but worse in this case is the best kind of worse possible. Are you going to try to go to BEA when it's in Chicago next year??

  22. Disqus ate my comment last time (I blame my phone), so here's another try.

    So vicariously excited for BEA! It's only a couple hours away by train, but with a wedding and another trip that week, I just can't fit it in. Hoping I'll make it to the event one of these years!

    I've only just made it halfway through The Shore and am really digging it. I'm not sure if anyone else has mentioned it thus far (I don't remember seeing it anywhere), but be warned that there's an extraordinarily graphic rape scene in one of the chapters. You'll see it coming, but it still made me put down the book for a while.

    And oh, Catch-22! I just read it last year after having three or four false starts. There were some bits to slog through in the middle, but the ending made it worth it for me. I hope you enjoy!

  23. I love to follow the happenings at BEA - so many authors, free books, new books to follow up on. Exciting times ahead for you!

  24. On the topic of potable lavender, lavender lemonade. I first had it at a restaurant/bakery in town, and I now don't understand why you'd drink it any other way.

  25. I think we're arriving Tuesday afternoon and leaving Sunday. I'm planning on skipping the conference on Wednesday, but I'll be there all day Thursday and Friday. And I'll be hitting up some parties Wednesday and Thursday! I'm aiming for the Bookrageous, Tumblr, and Riverhead parties. Do you know your schedule?

  26. I'll be posting all about the books as I go!

  27. I hate when that happens!


    I'm hoping you make it to a BEA some day as well so I can actually meet you. Where do you live again?

    Appreciate the warning on The Shore--I hadn't heard that, and while that won't change my mind about wanting to read it (I still haven't managed to start it; got bogged down in review commitments this week), I do like a little preparation so I know what to expect.

    AND I also haven't started Catch-22 yet (the likelihood at this point of finishing in time for Tuesday book club is looking more and more slim by the moment!).

  28. Yes! I'll shoot you an email and maybe we can grab a drink one night?

  29. I'm in Connecticut, so super close to NYC. It's timing all the way this year!

    Yeah, it didn't change my overall opinion of the book in the slightest—I really enjoyed it—but it did jar me and I was surprised I hadn't seen anyone mention it.

    Haha, oh no! A project for another time. :)

  30. And, yes, I hope we can meet someday, too. :D


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