Week in Reading: June 15 (the start of #BlumeALong!)

I've got some work travel planned for this week, which means my posts here will be rather sparse. Instead, I plan to use my train time in the best possible way: with a book in my lap. I'll finally be reading Neil Gaiman's Stardust, which I've heard good things about, and I'm finally starting The Shore on my Nook because Shannon said it was excellent. After polling Twitter for recommendations of smart, feminist romance novels, I'm also bringing along When the Marquess Met His Match, the first of the American Heiress in London series by Laura Gee Guhrke (recommended by Jenny from Reading the End).

Speaking of those romance recommendations, I'll likely be pulling together all of the very many, very awesome recommendations Twitter sent my way along with some thought on my first foray down the romance aisle at the local used bookstore in a post in the coming weeks.

And last, but certainly not least, I've got Are You There God? It's Me Margaret in my bag, getting ready to kick of the #BlumeALong today! We're reading this first book from now through June 26th, then Summer Sisters from June 26th to July 17th. It's not to late to join us if you haven't already!

If you're joining, I'd love to know:

1. Is this your first time reading Blume, or did you grow up on her books? 

(It's my first Blume, which is what sparked the whole idea!)

2. If you grew up on her books, what's your favorite?

(Naturally, I don't have one, but I heard a lot of folks on Twitter saying Are You There God? and Summer Sisters are the best of the best, which is why I picked those two for this summer.)

3. Are you reading one or the other or both of the books?

(I'm reading both!)

4. Where will you be reading in the coming weeks?

(I live in beautiful Frederick, Maryland, so will mostly be reading locally; though I also have some work travel to NYC and a trip to the beach planned in the coming weeks.)

5. Where will you be sharing your #BlumeALong thoughts along the way?

(I'll mostly be on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #BlumeALong, though I'll also post updates on this blog and will keep an eye on other platforms if others are participating elsewhere.)

Link up to your starting posts below, if you care to share:

Happy reading,


  1. I enjoyed Stardust when I read it last year. Neil Gaiman narrates, I think almost all of his own books via audio, and has SUCH a way of telling a story (both written and spoken), so I would certainly recommend it in that format as well. Yay for #BlumeAlong! I dug out all my old copies, and can't wait to get started :) Safe travels.

  2. So glad you're reading The Shore! I'm picking up my copy of Margaret this afternoon and I'm super excited to get reading - thanks for putting everything together :)

  3. I'm so excited for the Bloomalong! And for you to read The Shore. It's soo good! And you can't beat train reading :)

  4. Thanks again for organizing #BlumeAlong! I've got both books in my current library stack - can't wait to dig in.

  5. I'm jealous of your train time - one of my favorite places to read! And - for you to read The Shore...bring your notepaper! Have a great week!

  6. I'll be writing a post tomorrow or Wednesday, since I forgot to include #BlumeAlong in my (caffeine-laced ramble of a) Monday reading post. I've stolen a few minutes at work to get started, and man, the memories.

    Super excited to hear about your train reads, and especially your foray into romance!

  7. If this were a Facebook post, I would Like it.

  8. No worries, no rush, whatever works for you! I can't wait to hear what you think...

  9. YES! Train reading is the best. I remembered what you said about the characters in The Shore so I made a (very complicated and probably not entirely accurate) family tree as I read. Definitely helped.

  10. I can't wait to hear your thoughts!

  11. Yesss! So glad you're joining us.

  12. I listened to Ocean at the End of the Lane, which I loved. Trying Stardust in paperback (I have a thing about preferring mass market pbks at the beach?), so fingers crossed!

  13. I hope you enjoy some of my recommendations! And I can't wait to see a big list of everything that folks recommended to you. There's tons of fun feminist romance novels these days, I never feel like I've read all there are, or even close to it.

    (Did I recommend Sherry Thomas to you? I don't personally care for her books, but everyone else seems to LOVE her, so I thought I'd toss that recommendation in there.)


Thanks for stopping by!