Week in Reading: July 6th (or 7th...)

Fireworks and hot dogs and family, oh my. That's what my weekend consisted of: a house full of people I love, incredible fireworks in the park downtown, and an afternoon at a local amusement park (complete with bumper boats and rickety old roller coasters). All that fun didn't leave a lot of room for reading, but I'm ok with that--sometimes it's good to give your eyes a break, right?

Despite the hectic weekend, I actually drafted this post yesterday for my typical Monday round-up of weekly reads, but forgot to publish it, so here you go, a day late:

Last week, I devoured the stories in Barbara the Slut and Other People, a debut collection from Lauren Holmes out next month. This week, I'm switching over to more of the shortened form in Multiply/Divide by Wendy S. Walters, a combination of fictional stories, non-fiction essays and lyrical pieces that merge the two. So far, it's incredibly well-written and the best kind of think-y imaginable.

I'll be reading Waiting for Snow in Havana for a new Latin-America themed book club at my incredible indie bookstore this week, and to break up the non-fiction, plan to start Summer Sisters for the Summer of #BlumeALong. And I'm (finally) staring down the last few hours of Drums of Autumn, so hopefully next week I'll have a new audio pick started.

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