My First Readathon! (#24in48)

Rachel at a home between pages is hosting a weekend-long readathon in August, which I think will be the perfect push for a little added summer reading in my world. I've fallen behind in my three books for the Victorian Celebration (which will be over by the readathon, but better late than never, right?), and I'm also low on genre fiction and classics for my year-long reading goal of balance.

And so I signed up to participate in Rachel's 24 in 48 readathon. The goal is to read for 24 hours over the course of a 48-hour period - a perfect compromise for me, as I can't ever manage to clear my calendar completely for a weekend. Case in point: my husband is running his first 10K that Saturday evening, and I think I owe it to him to stand by and cheer him on, yes?

I've never participated in a readathon before (like I said, I have a hard time clearing my calendar), but I've roped my librarian cousin in to this one. She'll be joining me in Maryland with her own stack of summer reads.

Sign up to join the readathon, and follow along on Twitter with the hashtag #24in48.

And tell me: What should I expect? What should I prepare? What kinds of books should I look to, and which ones should I avoid?


  1. WHOOO HOOO! (New design looks great by the way!)

    1. I can't wait for the readathon! And thanks - after looking into Wordpress, I'm even more impressed with your own recent redesign (which looks awesome).


Thanks for stopping by!