Week in Reading: Nonfiction and Seasonal Reads (and Recovery Runs)

I'm coming to you late with a Week in Reading this post, but the holidays are upon us so I expect I'll be embracing creative scheduling here for the next few weeks...

I ran another half marathon this weekend--this time the Annapolis Running Classic--on a crystal clear, cold Saturday morning. The course was hillier than I'd expected, but I still beat my past PR with a new time of 2:14:52 (versus 2:17:51 at the Freedom's Run in October). My GPS actually clocked me at a 2:09:42 for the half-marathon distance, and 2:15 and change for the full 13.75 miles that we actually ran; not sure if the course was mis-marked, but I'll take the PR either way.

All of which is to say that this week is dedicated to short, slow recovery runs and lots and lots of food (the latter would be true race or no race, realistically). And reading, of course. For the tail-end of Nonfiction November, I'm still loving At Home, by Bill Bryson (though it's been slow going as it's my read-before-bed book and I've been running myself ragged in more ways than one); as January deadlines start to loom, I'm looking at Travelers Rest, by Keith Lee Morris (which the publisher's description calls "a chilling fable about a family marooned in a snowbound town whose grievous history intrudes on the dreamlike present"); and to get into the Christmas spirit, The Further Adventures of Ebenezer Scrooge, by Charlie Lovett (which may also be accompanied by a re-read of A Christmas Carol while I'm at it... I do have the Tim Curry audio edition lurking somewhere in the depths of my phone, after all).


What's everyone else reading this week? 

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