BBAW: An Interview with April of Between the Pages

It's Book Blogger Appreciation Week! Hosted by AnaJennyHeather, and Andi, the week is designed to "celebrate the hard work, dedication, and love we all put into this adventure we call book blogging." Check back throughout the week for posts on the joys of blogging, discovering other bloggers, and more!

One of my favorite parts of BBAW is getting to know new-to-me bloggers. There's a biiiiig wide world of people out there talking about books and reading and everything in between, and I know my sad and cluttered Feedly stream only scratches the surface of that universe. So today I'm excited to have the chance to feature an interview with April of Between the Pages!

How long have you been blogging? And what brought you to it in the first place, if you remember?
I’ve been blogging for almost 3 years. I decided to start a blog so I could have a place to talk/highlight the books I’ve read and loved. Goodreads was great, but I wanted a place I could “talk” more at. 

What's the book you've most enjoyed pushing into the hands of other readers as a blogger?
Toss-up between The Orphan Queen, The Red Queen and I’ll Meet You There. All three books were my favorites of 2015 and ones I loved to get others to read. 

What book did you discover because of blogging that you don't think you would have read otherwise?
Probably Throne of Glass. I heard so many other people talking about it on Twitter that I finally read it. Not sure I would have ventured into the world of Fantasy otherwise.

What's your policy on marginalia: do you write in your books, or keep them pristine?
Honestly most of my books are on my Kindle, so I have very clean spines.

Print or digital or audio or a mix, or are you sick of people asking this question because all books are books and who cares what format they come in?
I’m starting to do print and digital. Over the past year I’ve gotten more books in print format then I have in the four years since I bought my first Kindle. Haven’t tried audio, but I’ve thought about it. 

Do you research while you read? (Look up new words, Google new subjects that you might not know much about, etc.) Or do you expect the book and the context to tell you what you need to know?
Sometimes I do a little research to find out what a word means, otherwise I hope to find the answer out in the story, or after. Like pronunciations of names and cities, I appreciate when an author spells it out at the end of the book so that we know how to say the names.

Do you read more than one book at a time?
Lately the answer to that is yes. I have started at least 5 books in the last two weeks. 

Do you review or in some way write about every single book you read?
Not lately. I’ve noticed in the last year that I read a lot of short books/novella’s, and I don’t usually review them, but I also read a ton of books that I  never reviewed other than a word or two about my initial reaction on Goodreads. 

Besides reading and blogging, what other hobby or interest do you have? What would you share about this activity for someone new to it?
I’m into Baking, Cooking, and crafting lately. I do most of the cooking in my house it’s my contribution to the household. I bake as often as I can, I find it very relaxing, but my hips don’t appreciate it. I got into crafting about a year ago when I was looking for DIY items I could send to my Secret Sister for the On the Same Page Secret Sister project, and I realized how much fun it was. So now I’m all about making things myself, like bookmarks and Scarves.  I would definitely say for anyone who isn’t crafty but wants to try, check out Pinterest and find one with directions. That is what I did and it worked out really well for me.

What's one thing your readers might not know about you?
Hmmm, they may not know I’m Jewish or that I’ve been unemployed for over a year. 

Thanks, April! It was great to learn more about another blogger for BBAW.

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