Week in Reading: February 29th

It's the last day of February, ahoy! I'm wrapping up what was a great personal month, but not a great reading month, and looking forward to some more balance in March. This will include finishing Alexander Hamilton (no, really), which is still on my stack this week. I think I finally kicked my semi-slump over the weekend, too: finishing up The Cutting Season, by Attica Locke, on audio (this was suspense done so, so right) and devouring all of the lovely, meditative Poverty Creek Journal in one sitting on Sunday, enjoying the sunshine (with the dog) after a ten-mile race in the morning.

Now I'm on to a new audio pick: Wild, by Cheryl Strayed (I checked the audio out from my library, but as I own the paperback, I'm counting this as part of Read My Own Damn Books), and have just jumped into Jane Steele, the newest novel from Lyndsay Faye (whose work I adore).

And, of course, I need to start picking up some weird reads for Outlandish Lit's Month-long Weirdathon, which starts tomorrow. First up, The First Book of Calamity Leek, by Paula Lichtarowicz -- which is blurbed as both "wonderfully strange," and one part Margaret Atwood, one part Roald Dahl. This will either be excellent or awful; time will tell.


What are you reading this week?

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