Book Blogger Appreciation Week: A Bookish Introduction

It's Book Blogger Appreciation Week! Hosted by Ana, Jenny, Heather, and Andi, the week is designed to "celebrate the hard work, dedication, and love we all put into this adventure we call book blogging." Check back throughout the week for posts on the joys of blogging, discovering other bloggers, and more!

Today's prompt asks BBAW participants to introduce themselves... using five books. In no particular order, here are five books I think could introduce me:

One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez: The first book my now-husband ever lent me, nearly 10 years ago now, was Love in the Time of Cholera. That book introduced me to Marquez, and One Hundred Years of Solitude remains my favorite his works. It's also the book that truly made me fall in love with magical realism, and appreciate the power of a skilled translator, and, and, and, and, and.

The Dead Ladies Project, by Jessa Crispin: No, I will not stop talking about this book. One of my favorites from 2015, I'm including it here because it made me think--a lot--about what it is really means to shape my own life and make it mine.

Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy: File under: Books I Found Intimidating Until I Read Them; Book That Taught Me the Power of Buddy Reading; Books That Taught Me It Is Ok to Skim a Few Chapters (Specifically on Farm Theory)

Running Like a Girl, by Alexandra Heminsley: This book is the reason I'm contemplating signing up for a full marathon. 'Nough said.

We Should All Be Feminists, by Chimimanda Ngozi Adichie: I mean, the title pretty much speaks for itself here. As someone who identifies as a feminist, I found that Adichie's TED-talk-turned-tiny-adorable-book read like a clarified transcript of my own muddled and inarticulate thoughts on feminism with annotations from a particularly smart and engaging thinker overlaid. (Runner-up for this spot was Roxane Gay's Bad Feminist.)


What books would you use to introduce yourself via books?

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