Week in Reading: Monday, April 20

I spent most of this weekend in a rented mini-van en route to Nashville and back. The drive took about ten hours each way, including stops, so naps and reading were plentiful.

I finished Loving Day (out in May), a novel that is hard to summarize and tackles big issues of race and fatherhood and family in strange, convoluted, unexpected ways. I started in on Daring Greatly, which I have the feeling I'll be underlining a lot of, and The Library at Mount Char, which is weird and brutal and really excellent so far. And though I've fallen behind in the #CloudAtlasAlong, rest assured I'm still working my way through... albeit more slowly than originally anticipated.

On my headphones: I finished Yes Please (have I mentioned I love Amy Poehler!?) and am again delaying my continuation of Drums of Autumn for another library hold that just came in: The Secret Place, by Tana French. Whom I adore.

Also this week: Gearing up for Readathon on Saturday!


  1. Ah! I haven't seen anyone else posting about Loving Day, and I'm excited to see your post. I agree that it's extremely hard to summarize, both in plot and in my thoughts about it.

    Also, I'm extremely jealous that you're capable of reading in the car. Attempting that is a surefire ticket to a migraine and/or nausea for me.

    I hope you enjoyed your trip! I really liked your hourly Twitter updates from the road. :)

  2. So jelly I can't readathon with you all this weekend (my sister's wedding that day), but hope you have a great time and get lots of reading done. I'm also horribly behind in Cloud Atlas, but such is life.... hoping to catch up this week, but we'll see. Seems like EVERYONE is behind, so I'm not going to fee *TOO* terrible about it. Excited to hear about Loving Day....

  3. This is why book blogs are great: aside from Tana French and Cloud Atlas, I haven't heard of ANY of these books. Loving Day sounds amazing!

  4. I actually finished it yesterday. Some of it is a bit too touchy-feely for me, but there were some good points about setting boundaries and not letting the inner doubt gremlins make decisions for you, etc. It's a quick read!

  5. It's very good! Strange, but in a good way. Still trying to get my thoughts together on that one, ha.

  6. Oh I've been there before! Weddings are super fun even if they aren't Readathon. Plus there's always October!

    And I definitely plan on catching up in Cloud Atlas, it's just been hard because I feel like the book deserves long chunks of reading time, not little 15-minute stretches here and there--and I haven't had many of those. Except for the two ten-hour car rides, but I also felt like that wasn't giving it the attention it needed, you know?

  7. I usually can't do car reading, but we had a super-smooth rental minivan and I made a point of looking up/out the windows every few pages, which seemed to help. As soon as we were off the highway, though, forget it. I was car sick in two minutes with lights and turns!


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