Ten Notable Books from 2015 I Haven't Read... Yet

Despite the fact that over 90% of my reading in 2015 was frontlist (books published in 2014 or 2015), I still feel like there were SO MANY excellent books released in 2015 that I just didn't find the time for. I even own several of them (the best laid plans and all that...); here are ten I definitely plan to make time for in my 2016 reading:

1. Between the World and Me, by Ta Nehisi Coates: There's really not much for me to say about this book that hasn't been said, but I consider it a must-read and I haven't even read it. Yet.

2. Welcome to Braggsville, by T. Geronimo Johnson: The New York Times review called this "the funniest sendup of identity politics, the academy and white racial anxiety to hit the scene in years."

3. The Girl on the Train, by Paula Hawkins: I've actually had a copy of this break-out bestseller since it came out. Should I be worried about disappointment after the hype machine got ahold of it?

4. Ghettoside: A True Story of Murder in America, by Jill Levy: Only on the best-of lists for like every major newspaper last year.

5. Luckiest Girl Alive, by Jessica Knoll: I've been told this is dark and fun.

6. Get in Trouble: Stories, by Kelly Link: Short stories are where it's at these days, and Link's promise to be weird and poignant and strange and yes please.

7. Delicious Foods, by James Hannaham: On my list since Shannon reviewed it when it first came out.

8. And West is West, by Ron Childress: When I asked the Algonquin booth staff at BEA what one book they were most excited about, this is the book that was pushed into my hands.

9. Hold Still: A Memoir with Photographs, by Sally Mann: The Washington Post asks: "Is it shock for the sake of shock? Have a look and decide."

10. The Fifth Season, by N.K. Jemison: The start of a new fantasy trilogy praised for its strong characters and worldbuilding.


Have you read any of these--and if so, what did you think? What recent releases are still on your reading stacks? 


This post is part of Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the Broke and the Bookish.

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