Week in Reading: January 11

How's January going, guys? Who's still keeping up with their resolutions? Who didn't even bother making any to begin with?

January here has been weird: it swung from 55 degrees to 18 degrees back to 55 degrees in about a week, and it's taking a toll on these ol' sinuses. As such, I haven't gotten quite as much reading in as I'd have liked (sinus headaches are the worrrst), but it was still a pretty great reading week. I'm loving The Blind Assassin, which I'm reading for a Mini Long-Distance Book Club discussion with a friend, and Hamilton is off to an absolute baller of a start. I'm also still puttering through my re-read of Rules of Civility on audio.

I set aside the new Muriel Barbery, The Life of Elves, at the halfway point; though I'd been insanely excited for it after loving Barbery's unexpected bestseller, The Elegance of the Hedgehog, it just didn't work for me. The writing is beautiful and the characters interesting, but I couldn't grasp the thread of the story and found the confusion not worth the effort in the long run. In its place, I picked up another February release: Why They Run the Way They Do, a collection of short stories by Susan Perabo, and HOLY SHIT everyone, this book is excellent.

Lastly, because I haven't yet started to make any progress on my Clean Your Reader goals, I'm planning this week to finally start The Queen of the Tearling. 


In non-book news, I'm starting to do some trail running and I think I'm addicted. A little sad I can't get out there today, given the weekend's rain (and therefore the mud), but there's just something about running in the woods that feels right.


What are you up to this week? What's on your nightstand?

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