Week in Reading: January 25

It was a wintry wonderland up in these parts this weekend: Friday and Saturday brought 30 inches of snow to my little town (approximately an entire winter's worth of snow in one 36-hour period), and a host of scattered thoughts on adulting and the magic of snow in its wake. I had hoped the forced hibernation would mean lots of reading time, but I found myself too easily distracted to focus on much. I did finish All is Not Forgotten, a psychological thriller that I'll be writing more about later on, and The Blind Assassin, which I absolutely loved after I hit about the halfway point (it was a bit of a slow build in the first half).

Unable to focus on Hamilton for more than a few pages at a time, I opted for some new fiction last night, Dear Fang, with Love--and I'm loving it. I find myself wanting to underline every other paragraph and dog-ear every other page; it's very thoughtfully written (on sale from Knopf in May). Also on my stack this week are Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City (on sale from Crown in March), and Echo, a middle-grade novel by Pam Munoz Ryan that is so imbued with references to music and musical instruments that it's proving a perfect audio pick.

They haven't plowed our neighborhood yet, so I anticipate at least another day or two of hibernation-- and expect more reading in the mix.

What's on your stack this cold, wintery* week?

*I do realize not everyone reading is on the East Coast of the US, so not everyone is facing cold, wintery temperatures... but I'm too jealous to think of all of you with sunshine and warm days at the moment, so I'm pretending you all have 30 inches of snow, too.

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