#24in48: Preparations and The Stack

It's back! #24in48 is here here here here here! Well, it's here tomorrow, anyway, which means it's not too late to sign up to join us for a whole weekend of snacks, reading, and talking about reading.

I'm facing a rare weekend of all pleasure reading: I've met all of my review deadlines for February books, and haven't yet received my batch of March reading from my editors. Which means this weekend is all about Clean Your Reader and Read My Own Damn Books. Here's what I'm eying:

Hamilton, by Ron Chernow
The Blind Assassin, by Margaret Atwood
2 A.M. at the Cat's Pajamas, by Marie-Helene Bertino
Inked, by Eric Smith
Between the World and Me, by Ta Nehisi Coates
The Queen of the Tearling, by Erika Johansen
Dear Fang, with Love, by Rufi Thorpe
Bitch Planet, Vol 1, by Deconnick Kelly et al.

I do have some plans this weekend, though I also have Monday off, so I'm bending the timeline a little bit to start Friday night and go through Monday night, and hope to squeeze 24 hours of reading time into that timespan somehow or another.


Are you participating in #24in48? (You don't have to have a blog to do so!) Regardless, if you could read for an entire weekend, what would your stack look like?

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