Week in Reading (and a #24in48 Wrap!)

It's Tuesday, not Monday (when I usually post my week in reading plans...), but this was a three-day weekend and I luxuriated in spending as little time at my computer as possible. This included a slightly new tack for the #24in48 readathon: I posted my plans for the weekend, and updated on Twitter as I read, but I didn't compile my total pages read or my total hours reading or any other information here on this ol' blog. I actually didn't keep track of any of it at all, and it was rather glorious.

I did make a pretty significant dent in The Blind Assassin and Hamilton during the readathon, both of which are still on my stacks for this week as I tackle the next sections for two respective readalongs. I also started--and finished!--three books: 2 AM at the Cat's Pajamas, Bitch Planet Vol 1, and The Queen of the Tearling. That last was definitely my favorite of the three; stay tuned for a full review and hopeful squeeing as I get to the sequel in the coming weeks.

This week is calling for zero-degree wind chill days and the potential for a massive amount of snow, so I plan to curl up with a book (and a blanket or three and a cup of tea or twenty) as much as humanly possible. On my stack: All is Not Forgotten, a new thriller coming from Wendy Walker; Dear Fang, With Love, by Rufi Thorpe (one of the #24in48 potentials I didn't quite get to); and possibly The Turner House, by Angela Flourney and/or Between the World and Me to continue my Clean Your Reader and Read My Own Damn Books efforts.


What are you reading this shortened week?

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