Week in Reading: January 4, 2016

WELCOME, WELCOME, 2016. I have big plans for you, inclusive of this: read good books. I kicked off the year with two excellent February reads (The Black Presidency, by Michael Eric Dyson, and Youngblood, by Matt Gallagher), and hope to keep the streak of excellent books going as the year continues. With that in mind, here's what I've got on my nightstand this week:

The Blind Assassin, by Margaret Atwood: My long-time readerly friend and I have revived our Mini Long-Distance Book Club (#mldbc) with this Atwood book we both had on our TBRs. So far, it's living up to expectations. Good for #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks, to boot.

Rules of Civility, by Amor Towles: This is a re-read on audio for me, keeping me company for lots of errands and chores and driving this week as I ease back into "the real world" after a few oddball, wonderful weeks of vacation and holiday celebrations.

Hamilton, by Ron Chernow: HOLY CATS, I joined the #HamAlong because I'm apparently insane. And also because I'll count it for the 2016 Read Harder Challenge, part of #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks, and it's a readalong with a lot of great bloggers that I know will be fun to read with. So. Join us?

Queen of the Tearling, by Erika Johansen: I've heard so many good things about this fantasy novel, and it's being turned into a movie with Emma Watson this year, so I figured I should read it before that happens. Counting for Clean Your Reader and, yep, the 2016 Read Harder Challenge.


What are you reading to kick off the first full week of the new year?

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