Indie Thursday: A Jaunt to Politics and Prose

Last weekend, I found myself down in DC for lunch with my best friend and partner in crime... when lunch hour didn't provide us with enough time to gab away all our cares and concerns, we headed over to Politics and Prose for some browsing and a cup of coffee. I'd never been to the shop before (a bit of a miracle, since apparently I drive right by it every time I head to visit my friend in the neighborhood), and I'm in book luuurrrrrve. 

Books Purchased:
The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer (a retelling, by Peter Ackroyd)
The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan
Day for Night by Frederick Reiken (I've read this one already, but lost my copy and wanted to own it)

This time around, I managed to keep my purchases to the remainder shelves downstairs, but with all the amazing displays and featured titles in the main stacks upstairs, I'm not sure I'll be able to do that a second time around....

Politics and Prose has a pretty impressive list of author events, and though I missed Amor Towles (Rules of Civility) there at the beginning of this month, I'm hoping to make it to a reading/signing soon!

This month marks the one-year anniversary of Indie Thursday, a weekly Twitter event that celebrates Indie bookstores on - you guessed it - Thursdays. The event was started by Jenn of Jenn's Bookshelves last year to help readers everywhere truly embrace their local, independent bookstores. To participate, simply tweet about a recent purchase at your indie bookstore using the hashtag #indiethursday. Oh, and also follow @IndieThursday on le Twitter.

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