It's Readathon Time! #24in48

It's here! It's finally here! The 24 in 48 readathon! I have a stack of books to choose from, a librarian cousin for reading companionship, and a host of foodstuffs planned/prepared/etc. For every page I read, I will be donating 5 cents to a literacy charity to be determined (I'm thinking FirstBook, but need to do a bit more research before confirming).

My computer's broken, which means I'll mostly be updating via Twitter on my phone. You can also follow #24in48 for all participants on Twitter. When I do post updates, I'll just do so to this post.

Just Startin' Out (9:23 AM):
Books read:
Food consumed: Nothing but water, but there are cheesy grits cooking and plans for a Smores pie later in the day.

Midday (1:15 PM)
Books read:
  • Completed A Farewell to Arms
Hours read in readathon: 5
Pages read: 210 + 1 hour of audio

Evening (6:00 PM)
Books read:

  • Completed The Lover's Dictionary
  • 50 pages of Oryx and Crake
  • 75 pages of The Hobbit
Hours read in readathon: 8
Pages read: 545 + 1 hour audio

We've officially opened happy hour, and librarian cousin companion is napping with the puppy on the couch for a bit. I'll be making lemon squares shortly, and then we're headed out to dinner... But I'm hoping to get at least another hour or two of reading in before we leave.

Goodnight (12:12 AM)
Books read:
  • Another 75 pages of The Hobbit

Hours read: 10
Pages read: 620 + 1 hour audio

I had hoped to get more hours in but a few hours without power drove me to a longer dinner at a local pub... and a few beers with dinner means I'm reading slowly and sleepily. So onward to tomorrow!


  1. Oooh I must find an audiobook for a hopeful trip to the gym later this afternoon. I will probably take to twitter as well for updates. Happy reading!

    1. I figured an audiobook was a good way to be able to run errands/gym, etc. while still getti in reading hours!


Thanks for stopping by!