Looking Back: June 2014 Books

June wasn't as big of a reading month for me as I had hoped for the start of my funemployent period, but that didn't mean there weren't a few gems in the stack:

The Girl with All the Gifts, by M.R. Carey: The more time goes by, the more I really think this is one of the freshest post-apocalyptic novels out there. Perfect for anyone wasting away waiting for the third book in The Passage trilogy. Read my full review.

Someone Else's Skin, by Sarah Hilary: The first in a new detective series, this one is smart and clever and never quite what you expect from a police procedural. Read my full review.

Saga, Vol 3, by Brian Vaughan: I'm sort of head over heels in love with this series, and that's just about all I can come up with for that.

Dare Me, by Megan Abbott: Hot damn, Abbott knows the insides of teenage brains perhaps better than even a teenager might. I'm listening to this one on audio and it's incredibly well done; I have Abbott's newest, The Fever, packed to go with me on vacation and I'm looking forward to that one too.

What were the best books you read in June?


  1. I'm dying to read The Girl with All the Gifts, and my husband actually suggested I go on and download the third volume of Saga for something quick to read. Woooo!

  2. I've only read the first Saga, but I'm in love with it also.

  3. Really REALLY want to read The Girl with All the Gifts. Fresh is best ;)

  4. I NEED to read Megan Abbot! I might have to treat myself to one of her books this week, despite my towering TBR.

  5. Aw, yay to Saga. New issue just came out and I'm saving it for the weekend as a special treat to myself!

  6. Emma @ Words And PeaceJuly 3, 2014 at 7:43 PM

    I also managed to read only 4 books, but blogging wise, that was a busy month. here is my wrap-up: http://wordsandpeace.com/2014/07/03/2014-june-wrap-up/


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